The EUROPAN Competition


Photo © Manuela Wilpernig

Europan is a competition for students and young professional architects, landscape architects and urbanists under the age of 40 years. This year's topic is Living Cities2


March 27
Launch of E17 competition, on-line
May 03 Austrian Kick off, AzW Vienna, 19:00
July 31 Submission of entries
Dez 04 Announcement of results

Why participate?

1. You can contribute and shape the future of our cities. Get involved and make an impact!
2. Many winning proposals have been implemented in Austria already: A stepping stone for your future career.
3. Your entry is assessed by internationally leading architects and urbanists. Collect your prize money:

Winners • €12,000
Runners-up • €6,000
Special Mentions • fame & publication

Who can participate?

Europan is directed at students and young professionals in architecture and urban design under 40 years of age and with a European degree or working in Europe. Each team must include at least one planning professional. More detailled information at the Europan Europe website ↗

How to participate?

Present your project and ideas in three A1 panels and an A3-booklet. Register at Europan Europe. Upon registration you pay an entry fee (€100) and have access to maps, drawings and photos from the chosen site.