
Wien, E12

Photos: © SLLA

Arenas Basabe Palacios (ES), SLLA Architects (SK), Soyka-Silber-Soyka Architekten (AT), ss plus Architektur (AT)
DnD Landschaftsplanung (AT), Idealicei Landschaftsplanung (AT)

Local Partners:
Rosinak & Partner (AT)
Soziabau AG, City of Vienna, Siemens AG Österreich

The masterplan of 8 ha with a constructed surface of 120.000 m2 (density: 1,5) was developed by workshops together with an interdisciplinary team: architects, urbanists, landscapers, mobility experts, etc. During the design process, the team was in contact with representatives of the involved institutions of the town hall of Vienna (MA21), the main investors (Sozialbau AG) and the organisation of the Europan Austria (StudioVlay).

The result of the collaborative process is a diverse tissue, complex and open to investments of different scales. In a graduation of density, the edification gets smaller from the industrial zone of Siemens to respect the small scale of the surrounding single family houses. The buildings of different scale (XL, L, M, S) are dispersed in between a big lineal park and pedestrian streets, which relieve the new district from the presence of cars.

In the design process, 48 hypothetical models have been established to prove the validity of the urban system, of the typologies’ flexibility and of the edification guidelines. The associated planimetry resulted in the masterplan of Siemensäcker and is currently in the approval phase at the town hall of Vienna.