9-11 November

GRATIS TICKETS! Es gibt noch einige Eintrittskarten zu gewinnen.
Einfach eine E-Mail an mit dem Betreff: "LIVING CITIES" schicken - first come first served.
THURSDAY NOV 9, 6:30pm
NEW LOCATION Technical University Vienna, Argentinierstraße 8, 1040 Vienna, ground floor (EA EG 06)
HOW TO WIN A COMPETITION - Learning from the Pro's
Join us as we delve into the minds of these award winning experts, learning thjeir motivations, methods, and winning strategies.
Open competitions are where our passionthrives - a playground for innovative ideas. It's also the rare chance for emerging talents to seize comissions and elevate their projects. Bring your questions and be part of the conversation!
Eli Grønn Dyrvik Arkitekter (NO)
Jacob Kamp 1:1 Landskap (DK)
Benni Eder studioederkrenn (AT)
Afterwards we continue our discussion at the Foodhall Gleisgarten,Eichenstraße 2, 1120Wien
FRIDAY NOV 10, 9:00am - 7pm
Ariana Eventhalle, Christine-Touaillon-Straße 4, 1220 Wien
BURNING QUESTIONS - interactive dialogue
In this edition, we tackle urgent topics: the Right of Nature, Space & Racialisation and Housing as a Social Infrastructure. Three thought provoking statements on why and how architecture and planning must transform. Engage in lively discussions with our keynote speakers in small groups.
Jessica de Outer Milieujurist
Tazalika M. te Reh Architect and Cultural Scientist
Andrej Holm Social Scientist, professor Humboldt University
Let's get real about tackling climate change at the municipal level. Weatherpark, the climate experts, will kickstart the discussion. Join us for a workshop where municipal administartions share experiences with real-world examples. We'll dive into the challanges, lessons learned, and practical steps to make our cities climate ready.
Matthias Ratheiser Meteorologist and urban climatologist, founding partner Weatherpark
Melinda From Unit manager rise-research, Sweden
Johannes Horak Head of Department Urban Climatology and Environment, City of Linz, Austria
In cooperation with Driving urban Transition and BMK
SATURDAY NOV 11, 11am - 12.30pm
Wildgarten Community Centre,Emil-Behring-Weg 9, 1120 Wien
GUIDED TOUR - Wildgarten
Wildgarten stands as the significant realization of the 10th Europan competition, designed by the spanish architects Arenas Basabes Palacios. This 11ha residetial quartier embodies the vision of living with nature in aneighbourly yet urban way. Guide: Astrid Stark, architect and former district manager of Wildgarten.