Transformative Milieus

Wiener Straße is the main artery when entering Graz from the north. Coming from the motorway, cars speed along a four-lane road towards the city centre. Gösting is the first district they encounter. Junctions and traffic lights slow the speed, and the 3-4 storey houses along the road become increasingly dense. However, the large supermarkets or car dealerships in between break the continuity. Gösting has a castle on the hill that no one on Wr. Straße would ever notice. Turn left or right at one of the intersections and you’ll find a heterogeneous, patchy urban fabric with lots of greenery and even small streams.

Another obstacle that cuts through Gösting is the railway line. In the near future, a mobility hub will be created with a regional train station and a tram loop with frequent services. This is a great opportunity to rethink the objective of the four-lane road, reduce private car traffic by shifting commuters to public transport, and to make the area more liveable and human-scaled again.

The task on this site is to look at the urban fabric, both its existing and its new potential as a result of infrastructure development. Accessibility to public infrastructure must be combined with a relaxed living environment and good community relations. To show how the future of this four-lane road and the transformation of this place between infrastructure and physical barriers can become a valuable place to live and a place of identity is the task of this site.

Site visit Graz
, analog & digital
Friday 12.05.2023 / 11:00
Meeting point: Outside main station, Europaplatz 4, 8020 Graz
Registration: Please confirm your participation via email to
(name, number of participants, mobile number) > we will organise bikes for the site visit 
Livestream link: announcement on our website and instagram europan_austria