Andrea Castellani (IT), architect
Giulia Salandini (IT), architect
Anna Valbusa (IT), architect
Matteo Fiorini (IT), architect
Caterina Delaini (IT), architect
Nicola Bedin (IT), architect
Aleksandr Sokolov (RU), architect
Giulia Maida (IT), architect
Valentina Morgante (IT), architect
Maria Pernice (IT), architect
Amirkhan Gabdullin (RU), architect
Arthur Makhmutov (RU), architect
Alexander Alyaev Alexandrovich (RU), architect
Based in: San Zeno di Montagna, ITALY
The urban project strategy is to break, enlarge, redefine and link the edges that separate the stream to the city and natural system, activating new relationship between them, valorising the local potential and strengthen the link with the history and identity of local community.
The blending of anthropic and natural system propitiates and encourages new types of relationship.

Photo: © clabstudio
Team Statement: We were immediately interested in the potential of the site: the area offers the opportunity to redesign a new infrastructural node, to build an urban space for the community and especially to create a link between the city and the Mühlgang. The canal was the element that most encouraged us in the development of the project: this natural and economic resource can now become the key-element to reactivate relationships between citizens and with the environment, enhancing its history and local identity.