Gordon Rieß-Selbach (DE), architect
Philip Kaloumenos (AT), student in architecture
Philipp Petrac (AT), student in architecture
Based in: Vienna, AUSTRIA
Project Description by Team: With its existing qualities, Froschberg offers great potential for its development as a lively and future-oriented neighbourhood. Generous public and private green spaces, a strong (but not very diverse) community as well as the good connectivity of the area to its surroundings contrast with a certain monotony, sleepiness and emptiness. The resulting necessity for a contemporary adaptation, as well as the creation of amenities for future residents, must take place with consideration for the existing social and ecological structures. On the basis of these circumstances and intensive discussions with residents, our design proposal aims at a sustainable further development and emphasis on the community at Froschberg.

Photos: © Selbach, Kaloumenos, Petrac
Team Statement: “Right at the beginning of the project, we realized that our planning had to be based on communication and in consideration of the existing residents. In conversations on-site, we recognized the strong existing community as a great potential that needs to be preserved and strengthened. Our greatest challenge was to create prototypes that would offer both, existing and future residents the same benefits and accessibility without destroying existing qualities, by means of an egalitarian structure whose differentiation arises through the personal appropriation of the users.”