Simone Barbi (IT), architect
Vio Arianna (IT), architect
Iannello Martina (IT), architect
Longo Michele (IT), architect
Rosta Ilaria (IT), architect
Giaracuni Marina (IT), architect
Benfante Angela (IT), architect
Giannini Monica (IT), architect
Capasso Raffaele Primo (IT), architect
Nanni Clelia (IT), architect
Giglio Teresa (IT), architect
Semeraro Fabio (IT), architect
Based in: Firenze, ITALY
Project Description by Team: Linz Food Landscape is not only a catchy theme. Our goal is to connect the Froschberg inhabitants to the land through food. The green areas take on a new shape in order to generate profit instead of being left to chance. Horticulture, floriculture and activities related to heliciculture will be entrusted to local cooperatives, "from field to counter". Along the existing and proposed routes, a series of small co-built pavilions will enrich this scenario and allow you to stop, take shelter, work, meet and socialize.
+ Having a small group of owners could led to a breakthrough...Let's provide full accessibility to the residential blocks through the addition of a new system of stairs and elevators (the economic value of the properties will increase as much as the wellbeing of the tenants)!

Photos: © Team Linz Food Landscape
Team Statement: Linz Food Landscapeis not only a catchy theme, but a state of mind! The decision to work on Linz was a sort of "love at first sight" because we wanted to intervene in an area that would allow us to make reflections directed towards the future of the city. We noticed that in Linz green areas are predominant but at the same time they are mostly neglected. Our goal was to enrich the city without overturning the architectural aspect. We mainly focused on outdoor spaces because we thought the residential buildings were quite representative of a layer of architectural history worth saving, so we only addressed the accessibility issues, looking for a feeling of acceptable continuity but without fear of being bold. By redesigning in-between spaces, we wanted to plan places where citizens could work, meet, socialize; places that could generate profit and encourage the inhabitants to embrace a new lifestyle!