David Vecchi (IT), architect
Davide Fuser (IT), architect
Tasini Silvia (IT), architect
Marta Benedetti (IT), architect
Federica Gallucci (IT), architect
Maria Letizia Garzoli (IT), architect
Based In: London, United Kingdom
Team Description: ‘Learning from the Future’ proposes a sustainable, experimental, and active urban landscape to match and reflect Weiz inhabitant’s creative and entrepreneurial energy.
The masterplan designs both the physical spaces and their strategies with a circular economy in mind, expanding upon local strengths, namely the pioneering attitude towards energy and climate, which has yielded world class industries and knowledge services. The project addresses several scales and ecologies, to work within time ‘seamlessness’ and landscape ‘seamlessness’.
Learning from the Future is the mise en place of best practices for a life-oriented city, a city to thrive in.
Jury Statement: “The jury appreciates unanimously the spatial quality of the street scenario proposed. It addresses the road as a public space, thereby understanding the need to integrate mobility as a vital part into its design. The potential of the idea is the detailed approach: The single public surface not only links the green space with the urban texture, it defines different scales and allocates traffic speeds.
The project works with the values of the site and makes use of the existing relationship between the river and the street. It highlights the specificity of the place by networking the single elements into one coherent tissue and thereby creating a strong identification of the street.”

Photo: © David Vecchi
Team Statement: "Weiz' long practice of technological innovation and sustainable mobility really resonated with us, and we were particularly keen on how these strategies can be translated in a holistic approach to planning and urban design. We believe that gearing our cities for flexibility and climate change can be an opportunity for rediscovering ways to successfully live together, and we would be happy of being part of this conversation with the community of Weiz."