Bernat Bastardas llabot (ES), architect
Miguel Angel Hernandez Arias (ES), architect
Based in: Barcelona/Arenys de Mar, SPAIN
Team Description: The project brings an opportunity for changing and evolving the whole city beyond the Gleisdorfer Strasse. Creating a network of new productive centralities and considering time as a planning factor the city will reach soft and green mobility.
The new productive stripe will be the backbone of a pioneer system of energy exchange between all city actors. As well as a sequence of ecosystems so that wildlife will move through the territory. Flooding is seen as an opportunity to generate new civic spaces that control it.
A sustainable transformation of Gleisdorfer Strasse will give Weiz the support to face the challenges of the future with comfort. A new model is offered to future generations who will see in the city a home with transformative capacity in line with time and environment.
Jury Statement: “A complex green belt stands for the resettlement and upkeep of the regional plants and animals. The street is defined as the backbone that conducts green energy through the city. Here is where the jury sees the strength of the project; the representation of the landscape on a large scale and the inclusion of the topography. The treatment of the street is viable for the future and offers a real solution. The connection to the green spaces, the flowing water and the street has also been handled well.”

Photo: © Bernat Bastardas llabot, Miguel Angel Hernandez Arias
Team Statement: "Weiz is a city that has asked itself how to grow taking special care in the relation between the landscape and the urban life. For us, architects and city planners, the synergies between productivity, cultural activities and ecosystems should the life style of the city. This site has been an opportunity to develop these ideas.”