Andrew McMullan (UK), architect urbanist
Henry LeFroy-Brooks (UK), architect urbanist
Based in: London, UNITED KINGDOM
Team Description: A healthy city is a happy city. It's also a more productive place. Our vision for Innsbruck will turn the challenges it faces as a modern city into a transformative and resilient urban plan that will help Innsbruckers enjoy healthier, happier and more productive lives, now and in future. Building on the city's closeness to the mountains, its reputation for academic and medical excellence, and the population's passion for healthy living, our vision revolves round a new Discovery District focused on wellness. It will create a cluster of knowledge-producing organisations and knowledge-hungry businesses dedicated to advancing our understanding of wellness through pioneering research, innovations and commercial enterprise. To ensure everyone benefits, every day, our holistic urban plan designs wellness into the city's fabric - from its riverfront and Marktplatz to a new life-enhancing bridge.
Jury Statement: “The jury appreciates the complexity in terms of program and its linkage to space. The proposal is more explicit on built form and uses architectural elements to strengthen the identification of the place. In suggesting different types of spatial areas (roof valley, covered/open square, pop-up boxes) and working with the 3rd dimension, it offers to connect public architecture and open space in various ways, which is well received by the jury.”

Team Statement: "Mcmullan Studio was founded in 2018 to evolve our fresh and optimistic approach to design, drawing upon senior-level experience on renowned global projects at Heatherwick Studio and Allies and Morrison.
Innsbruck is an extraordinary opportunity to see beyond the obvious to create a healthier, happier and more progressive city – inspired by the natural surrounding and its people’s healthy lifestyle.
We're thrilled to be given the opportunity to work with Innsbruck and Europan to shape a productive city of the future."