Jorge Lopez Sacristan (ES), architect
Javier Ortiz Temprado (ES), architect
Lucia Anderica Recio (ES), architect
Carmen Simone (IT), architect
Based in: Madrid, SPAIN
Team Description: The project proposes a new productive neighbourhood through an integral approach in connection with the city. The new vision of the site stands on 4 pillars to change the way the riverside will be lived and experienced. 1) A network of uses, a map of activities that create a diverse fabric, creating a 24/7 sequence of dynamics that bring the neighbourhood to life. 2) A close relationship between the city and the river, bringing the people in controlled closeness to the water. 3) A space for the pedestrian, free of cars, where the different activities and uses extend from the buildings out to the public space. 4) A green corridor built using different strategies, bringing agriculture, vegetation and wildlife back to the heart of the city.
Jury Statement: “The jury considers the project unanimously as a very serious contribution that offers a detailed plan with a particular spreadsheet. The proposal blends into the existing context and shows an integral approach, working with the existing urban fabric.
The restructuring of the urban spatial system is done in a subtle way, thereby linking various spaces well with program. An analysis of current uses, which should act like “seeds” for future functions, anchors the new proposal and densifies the uses. The jury appreciates the focus on the relation of the programming to the space.”

Team Statement:"studio.altis a collective built on the experiences gathered after living in different cities around the world, which has helped us synthesize strategies that can transform the way we live today and design a better future.
Innsbruck was the perfect scenario to test ambitious ideas with regards to urban regeneration processes, such as density, mix of uses and circularity."