Rampazzo Alessandra (IT), architect
Lindvall Susanna Aina Elisabeth (SE), architect
Negrini Luca (IT), architect
Galiotto Marcello (IT), architect
Houari Yasmine (BE), architect
Cauda Francesco (IT), student in architecture
Floreano Carlotta (IT), student in architecture
Baggio Francesco (IT), student in architecture
Based in: Venezia, ITALY
Team Description: The idea is to re-activate the site offering quality public spaces for the residential neighborhoods in the surroundings. This means transforming the entire island (the strategic site) into multiple smaller in size islands. The spaces in-between will then increase the permeability and overcome both social and economical boundaries that have been setting physical barriers between human beings until today. We are talking about twelve islands - 10 porous and 2 more private/unaccessible.
The porous islands will be slightly transformed, aiming an increased usage comfort. After the main Research Center, other small buildings and constructions will keep pushing the site re-activation process: the main focus is on social and functional terms, leaving aside the aesthetic component.
Jury Statement: “The jury appreciates highly the sensitive strategic approach upon the entire area. Island (e)scape relies on the unifying quality of landscape, in which single, distinct objects define functional, aesthetic and atmospheric bridges between 12 defined zones – 12 islands. The quality of the strategic site is very convincing and its underlying notion of connecting neighbourhoods is exercised on a variety of scales. Different spatial qualities arise upon the interventions and open up unexpected possibilities, while the area is kept more like it is. ”

Team Statement: "The design process aims to weave a deep connection with the city, its history and its layers. It is not a unique and linear process but it is based on the continuous review of multiple options available always keeping a critical attitude. Architecture not only reflects our time and culture, but also shapes it. The answer to any specific contemporary need or issue can be always traced back in old traditions, as for the urban strategy. Safe and easy solutions are not a reference, whereas the sincere use of materials reflects our attitude. Indeed, every part of the site possesses a unique set of challenges and opportunities to emphasize both the structure and the construction, regarded as the essence of architecture."