© Bart Lootsma / © Amadeja Smrekar

E17 changes to E18


The award ceremony and exhibition opening took place at the via - Voralberger Architektur Institut. The following day, we organised an excursion to inspiring architecture, where the teams and location partners were able to network. It was a great pleasure to welcome you all!

In the following weeks, the results of the competition were exhibited in Graz, Lochau and Celje. From 26 June there will be another exhibition in Salzburg.


The Europan 18 competition, themed "Re:sourcing - A new perspective on the existing", explores ways in which we can conserve natural resources by applying the 3 Rs (Re:duce, Re:use, Re:cycle) while tackling climate change and social inequalities in urban areas through innovative projects and planning processes. The aim is to transform neglected buildings and areas into vibrant and inclusive spaces that protect the environment and promote a balance between nature and society. Regeneration, integration of nature and culture, and the application of environmentally friendly strategies play a crucial role in shaping a more sustainable future and rethinking the use of our planet's resources.

Re:duce Reduce the amount of new construction.

Re:use Reuse existing spaces and materials.

Re:cycle Use of organically grown materials, use of bio-based materials (earth, stone, fibres), anticipation of deconstruction and reference to local building culture and materials.


Don't forget to check out our free E17 Publication